The Property Management Superintendent will be your first call for any service related issues.
For after hours and Emergency Service requests, please call the After Hours Service at (800) 333-7585. Available 24/7.
TIKKIT, an easy to use online system is also available for routine (non-emergency) residential service requests. Residents can make requests through TIKKIT’s simple online forms and track progress via automatic notifications. Upon move-in, you will receive an email from TIKKIT inviting you to the system. TIKKIT can be saved as an app on your smartphone by using the “Save to Home Screen” feature on your smartphone. You can also access TIKKIT by copying the link https://DArealty.tikkit.us and entering your email address. There is no password required.
Apartment visitors may enter Bedford Square Residences from the main residential lobby entrance at 5 Church Lane. Visitors will use the audio/video entry system to call the apartment. Residents may then provide their visitors access to the residential lobby and elevator via the video panel entry system located in each unit.
Visitors are permitted to park in the lower level of the parking garage, in spaces designated as Residential Visitor Parking, subject to availability. On-street parking and parking in the Elm Street public parking lot is also an option for visitors.
Each residential floor has a trash room with a trash chute and recycling bins. Residents are responsible for bringing trash and recycling to the trash chute and recycling room on a regular basis. Food waste and other garbage should be double bagged to prevent leakage in the hallways when transporting to the trash room.
Bedford Square uses a “single stream” recycling program. All bottles, glass, plastic, and paper products shall be placed in the recycling bins located in the trash room. Cardboard shall be broken down flat and placed in the cardboard collection area in the trash room.
The residential parking spaces are located on the parking garage lower level for main building apartments and on the parking garage upper level for the townhouse style apartments. Residential parking spaces will be reserved and residents will be assigned a specific parking space reserved exclusively for their use.
Subject to availability, an additional monthly parking pass may be purchased separately. Please contact the Property Management Superintendent should you be interested in leasing an additional parking space.
Bedford Square Residences
5 Church Lane, Apt #__
Westport, CT 06880
Mailboxes are located at 5 Church Lane in the residential lobby for US Mail and small US Mail packages.
Packages from Federal Express, UPS, and other delivery companies will be held in the secure package delivery area located in the residential lobby directly behind the mailboxes. Residents will have key access to the secure package area.
Residents are required to contact Eversource and place electrical service into their name effective the date of lease commencement. Please contact the Property Manager Superintendent for information regarding your meter number.
On-Line: https://www.eversource.com/Content/ct-c/residential/my-account/moving
Email: businesscenterctelectric@eversource.com
Tel: (800) 286-2000
Please provide the 5 Church Lane mailing address and your apartment number when setting up service.
Cablevision (Optimum) and Frontier are the two designated telecom providers for Bedford Square. Residents are responsible to contact the providers to set-up service.
Cablevision (Optimum)
On-Line: https://order.optimum.com/Buyflow/Products
Enter Address: 5 Church Lane, Westport, CT 06880
Optimum Residential Sales: (203) 870-2491
Optimum Residential Customer Service: (203) 870-2583
On-Line: www.frontierct.com
Sales: (855) 313-9471
Service: (800) 921-8101
Apartment move-ins and move-outs must be scheduled in advance through the Property Management Superintendent. A minimum of three (3) days notice prior to your move-in/move-out date is required. Residents will need to provide the Bedford Square Residences with the moving company’s Certificate of Insurance. This Certificate of Insurance must name Bedford Square Associates, LLC as Certificate Holder and Bedford Square Associates, LLC and David Adam Realty as Additional Insured.
Movers are only to use the loading area entryway which is accessed directly from the Elm Street parking lot and the service/freight elevator to transport personal items to or from the Residences. Please see the attached map which identifies the loading area and freight elevator locations.
Contact List
Property Management:
Shawn Kapitan, Sr.
Property Management
Superintendent, Bedford Square
Lease Administration + Billing
Lisa King
Leasing Administration
Matt Murray
Leasing Agent - Higgins Group Real Estate